
These mixed media paintings explore the relationship between ourselves and nature, and the powerful role that women are playing in this dynamic. The world is shifting into uncharted and exciting territory as minority groups that have historically been dis-empowered, are now being given a voice. These vital and complex new voices are influencing the world at an impressive rate, shifting narratives, breaking long told myths, and reshaping what is possible. 

Women and the natural world are depicted in symbiotic relationship in these serene compositions. Unencumbered by clothing and societal conventions, these women simply allow their innate wisdom to guide them in maintaining a reciprocal relationship with the environment. They see the lie told by the capitalist system that it is impossible to live in harmony with nature for what it is: the powers that be trying to justify prolonging destructive practices so that they can continue to profit from them.

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Symbolism within the paintings

Mushrooms (In Her Hands)

Today, the morel is one of the most expensive and sought after mushrooms, making it a luxury enjoyed by few. 4600 years ago in ancient Egyptian society, mushrooms were so revered that they were reserved for royalty only, and commoners were forbidden from even touching them. Nature as commodity highlights the phenomena of inequality, spanning the history of human civilization. The idea that mushrooms could be owned by one particular class or group is the height of absurdity, when in reality, anyone can forage from nature what gifts the earth freely offers.

Wings (Unencumbered)

There is an Indigenous story that uses the eagle as a metaphor for humanity, with men represented as one wing and women represented as the other. The oppression of women throughout history in many cultures has damaged the women’s wing, leaving the eagle of humanity flying in circles. The wisdom of this story illustrates how the mistreatment of some always comes at the expense of our collective well being and progress. The current moment in time however, shows signs of the women’s wing beginning to repair, which poses great promise of correcting this imbalance.

Luna Moth (Elusivity)

The Luna Moth is known for its ethereal beauty, but lesser known is the fact that it has no mouth and does not eat for the entirety of its existence in the moth stage of its life cycle. Its sole purpose at this stage is to procreate before it dies. This shows striking parallels to the goals that society conditions us to chase after, regardless of how elusive or unfulfilling they may be.


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