Up and Away
These mixed-media pieces explore everyday experiences in a dreamlike-space. The subject matter combines realism with the surreal, to tell simple narratives that are celebratory and whimsical.
They often begin with an abstract background layer of colour, which shapes begin to emerge from. The shapes are developed further with layers of charcoal drawing, and slowly take on a life of their own as recognizable forms. This method of generating images creates interplay between the subconscious and the conscious mind. The playful effect invites viewers to decide where the line is between real and imagination.
Other elements that are added are painted subject matter and found images, particularly from vintage photographs. Both work to create a bridge between the background and subject matter that helps to define the spaces that the images exist within. These objects and figures also invoke emotions of nostalgia, hope, elation, and elusiveness.
Click on image to see entire piece.